Request for Proposals 

 Broad Creek Jetty Design and Draft Joint Permit Application RFP

Proposal Due Date: 4:00 P.M. EST on January 6, 2025

Non-mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting Date: 10:00 - 11:00 A.M EST on December 11, 2024

Supporting Documents for Broad Creek Jetty Design & Draft Joint Permit Application RFP:

Exhibit A: USACE Channel Condition Survey for Broad Creek - September 21, 2023 

Exhibit B: Middlesex County Broad Creek Dredging Joint Permit Application Narrative and Drawings - July 2024

Exhibit C: VMRC Permit #2024-1778, Broad Creek Dredging

Exhibit D: Broad Creek Federal Navigation Channel Sediment and Effluent Water Investigation - Updated Nov 2024

Exhibit E: Data Collection at Fifteen Selected Creeks in Support of Shallow Water Dredging on Virginia's Middle Peninsula: Methods & Data Report - September 2021 

New Point Comfort Natural Area Preserve Observation Deck Reconstruction IFB

*Public Bid Opening was held on October 8, 2024

Notice of Intent to Award to Dock of the Bay, LLC October 24, 2024

*As Read Bid Result for New Point Comfort Natural Area Preserve Observation Deck Reconstruction IFB

New Point Comfort Pier Rebuild IFB - August 2024

Addendum 1 - IFB-FY25 New Point Deck - September 2024

Proposal Due Date: 4:00 P.M. EST on October 1, 2024  

Due Date Extended 4:00 P.M. EST on October 8, 2024 (See Addendum #1)

Non-mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting Date: 9:00 - 9:30 A.M. EST on September 17, 2024

Non-mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting Date Rescheduled: 9:00 - 9:30 A.M. EST on September 25, 2024 (See Addendum #1)


MPPDC solicits proposals from qualified manufacturers or other participants in the septic system supply and installation chain to provide turnkey services which prioritizes Middle Peninsula septic system installations in a cost-effective approach. The bulk fleet purchase of an anticipated 12 or more septic systems in compliance with the Virginia Department of Health "Treatment level 3 effluent"[1] or "TL-3 effluent" (“TL3”) standards. The selected winner will be responsible for all aspects of the project, from purchasing the systems, design and engineering, construction and installation, and commissioning and handover. Offerors shall assemble their preferred team (manufacturer, designer, installer) who will collectively provide turnkey services which prioritizes Middle Peninsula septic system installations in a cost-effective approach. Offerors shall act as the general contractor for the project using labor provided by general contractors and/or subcontractors as required. Bidders must submit individual cost estimates for each job to ensure transparency and fair and reasonable pricing. Some jobs due to simplicity may be $30,000 while other jobs with more complexity could be $60,000. In any event, MPPDC expects that the average cost for each site shall not exceed $40,000.  The total amount available for turnkey services is $480,000. 

The Issue Date:  May 24, 2024

Pre-Proposal Meeting:  June 3, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. to 12:01 P.M.

Due Date:  June 18, 2024                                               

Time:  12:01 P.M.

[1] "Treatment level 3 effluent" or "TL-3 effluent" means effluent that has been treated to produce BOD5 and TSS concentrations equal to or less than 10 mg/l each. 12VAC5-610-120. Definitions. (

MPPDC Fleet Purchase RFP

Ineligible Costs:  Maintenance service contract costs are not an eligible cost to include within the bid response unit costs. Grant funds cannot be used for maintenance.

Random questions received at the pre-proposal meeting on June 3, 2024:

  1. Can septic costs be paid upfront incase the client backs out, such as soil study work? Answer: No, upfront costs are not eligible. Grant funds cannot pay for soil reports upfront.
  2. Are costs such as electrical upgrades and surveys, eligible costs: Answer: Yes, these costs are considered part of the overall project costs.
  3. The Federal deadline is 12/31/26. Can the project end date be extended? Answer: No extension beyond this date is authorized.
  4. If manufactures include maintenance cost as part of the initial unit purchase, is this allowed? Answer: SLPP funds can't be used to pay for the pre-purchased maintenance.
  5. Is Buy America a requirement? Answer: No Buy America requirement for ARPA funds.


Captain Sinclairs Bid Opportunity

MPPDC invites qualified firms to submit bids for the renovation of an existing residential structure and free-standing pool house building for use as a Separated Mixed Use Groups A-3/M/R-2 multi-dwelling facility as defined by section 310.3 of the 2018 Virginia Construction Code. The rehabilitation of two buildings will encompass 6 apartments, three in each building and rehabilitation of a common area. The work in the main building will be limited to the two-story western wing. It will be isolated from the remainder of the structure via fire related wall assemblies as required by the VCC. On the west side, the lower level will be rehabbed from the "gutted" state to a usable state with FEMA approved materials to allow free flow of floodwater through that space without doing structural damage. The Pool House will involve adding a second floor and public restrooms on the first floor. Upgraded interior work will be included on the first floor of the pool house. Address is 9524 Whitaker Drive, Gloucester, VA 23061. The construction will be conducted in accordance with already drafted Balzer engineering plans. This project has a well-defined scope of work with a commercial nature.

Issue Date: May 22, 2024

Bids are due: 12:00 P.M. on June 20, 2024

MPPDC has satisfied VPPA's 2.2-4300(C)) to ensure that:

  • its procurement process was conducted in a "fair and impartial manner",
  • "all qualified vendors had access to "bid on the project without any arbitrary or capricious exclusions,
  • the procurement was competitive to the "maximum feasible degree",
  • the process was transparent, and
  • the rules of the procurement were clear and fair.

The bid opportunity was posted statewide on EVA, MPPDC website, and direct emailed to ~30 contractors within a 50-mile radius. The pre-bid meeting had two attendees and no bid responses received by the deadline. As a result, MPPDC will be moving forward using contract(s) as sole source.

When contractors are selected, MPPDC will:

  • provide the name(s) of the contractor(s) that are being selected, and
  • provide the date on which the contract(s) will be awarded or the date on which MPPDC plans to announce a forthcoming award.

Main House

Captain Sinclair Main House Instructions to Bidders

Captain Sinclair Main House Supplemental Materials Instructions to Bidders

Captain Sinclair Main House Appendix A and B

Captain Sinclair Main House Appendix C

Captain Sinclair Main House Appendix D

Captain Sinclair Main House Appendix E

Captain Sinclair Main House Drawings


Pool House

Captain Sinclair Pool House Instructions to Bidders

Captain Sinclair Pool House Supplemental Materials Instructions to Bidders

Captain Sinclair Pool House Appendix A and B

Captain Sinclair Pool House Appendix C

Captain Sinclair Pool House Appendix D

Captain Sinclair Pool House Appendix E

Captain Sinclair Pool House Drawings


MPPDC invites qualified firms to submit bids for the construction of a new, elevated, flood compliant, residential structure located at 6688 L's Island, Gloucester, VA 23061. The construction will be conducted in accordance with already drafted house plans. Procurement utilizes Firm Fixed Based Contracts due to the well-defined scope of work and commercial nature of the project. 

Issue Date: March 27, 2024

Issue Date Addendum: Due Date Extended May 1, 2024 at Noon 12:00 PM (See addendum)

Pre-Construction Meeting will be held at 1:00 P.M. on April 8, 2024 

Pre-Construction Meeting will be held at 6688 L's Island, Gloucester, VA 23061

Bids are due: 3:00 P.M. on April 23, 2024

            Due Date Extended: May 1, 2024 at Noon 12:00 PM

MPPDC has satisfied VPPA's 2.2-4300(C)) to ensure that:

  • its procurement process was conducted in a "fair and impartial manner",
  • "all qualified vendors had access to" bid on the project without any arbitrary or capricious exclusions,
  • the procurement was competitive to the "maximum feasible degree",
  • the process was transparent, and
  • the rules of the procurement were clear and fair.

MPPDC Chairman on 6/1/24 concluded the value engineering exercise with the one responsible bidder for 6688 L's Island has failed. Value engineering exercise for 6688 L's Island was unsuccessful at meeting the $500,000 fixed price limits. As a result, MPPDC is awarding the contract(s) as sole source.

When contractors are selected, MPPDC will:

  • provide the name(s) of the contractor(s) that are being selected, and
  • provide the date on which the contract(s) will be awarded or the date on which MPPDC plans to announce a forthcoming award.

Addendum to Instruction to Bidders 

Instructions to Bidders

Supplemental Materials Instructions to Bidders

Addendum to Supplemental Materials Instructions

Pre-Construction Meeting Questions

Gloucester County Building Department Items

Residence Plans

Residence Structural Plans

Fix Based Cost Estimate with Instructions

Layout Material List 

Appendix Sections and Repost Extension Information

 Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix E

Bid Bond Addendum Question

Random Questions Received:

An individual question was received 4-29-24 - Where is the utility room? Answer: Next to the pantry.

An individual question was received on 4-30-24 - Is initialing appendices without a signature line acceptable? Answer: Yes

A single response was received for 6688 L’s Island and reviewed.  The response was more than the fixed price limits set by the RFP process.  The responder and MPPDC entered “value engineering” exercise, which failed to reach the $500,000 limits. On 6/2/24, value engineering was declared failed.

MPPDC has more than satisfied the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA’s goals (see 2.2-4300(C)) to ensure that:

  • its procurement process was conducted in a “fair and impartial manner”,
  • “all qualified vendors had access to” bid on the project without any arbitrary or capricious exclusions,
  • the procurement was competitive to the “maximum feasible degree”,
  • the process was transparent, and
  • the rules of the procurement were clear and fair.

Next Steps:

  • A responsible bidder response was presented but exceeded the set cost-effective/affordable limits of the RFP process. 
  • Value engineering was attempted which also failed.
  • As a result, MPPDC will be awarding the contract or multiple contracts as sole source for all or portions of the project.  
  • Name(s) of the contractor(s) selected will be posted to this page.
  • Dates on which the contracts will be awarded or the date on which MPPDC plans to announce a forthcoming award will also be posted.



Dredging of Shoaling at Broad Creek Navigation Channel RFP - Closed on April 3, 2024

Notice of Intent to Award to Seaward Marine Corp., March 22, 2024

Supporting Documents for Dredging of Shoaling at Broad Creek Navigation Channel RFP:

Exhibit A: USACE Channel Condition Survey for Broad Creek. September 21, 2023

Exhibit B: USACE Broad Creek Federal Navigation Channel Sediment and Effluent Water Investigation. January 2008



The Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission (MPPDC) is seeking bids from septic and well contractors under the MPPDC Small Purchase Procedure which aligns with § 2.2-4303(G)(1) of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. MPPDC seeks to utilize the most responsible, efficient, and cost-saving approach. All bids must satisfy existing permits and the scope of work. Included in the links below are a cover sheet, bid sheet, a scope of work, and current permits.

**Additional projects will be posted as they become available, please check back frequently.

All available information related to these offerings is included in the bid packet. Requests for site visits, and the submission of a completed bid sheet (found in the links below) must be emailed to: Taylor Ovide, Septic and Well Assistance Project Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Onsite Sewage System Evaluation and PE Design Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-06S) - Bids due 11:59 P.M. on April 4, 2025


Onsite Sewage System Direct Discharge Evaluation and Design Bid Pkg (2022-ER-99D) - Bids due 11:59 P.M. on April 4, 2025


Onsite Sewage System Evaluation and Design Bid Pkg (2022-ER60S) - Closed 10-22-24

($4,925.00 awarded to Soils, Inc.)

Conventional Onsite Sewage System Repair Construction Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-11S) - Closed

($10,600.00 awarded to Farmer's Septic Service, Inc.)

Alternative Onsite Septic Installation Bid Pkg (2022-ER-100S) Closed 11-21-24

($52,910.00 awarded to Soils, Inc.)

 Well Abandonment (Abandonment Only) Bid Pkg (2022-ER-100W)Closed 5-26-24

($6,500.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Onsite Sewage System Evaluation and Design Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-12S)Closed 5-26-24  

(Bids under review)

Onsite Sewage System Evaluation and Design Bid Pkg (2022-ER-100S)Closed 5-26-24

($5,500.00 awarded to Madison Environmental LLC)

Well Installation and Abandonment Bid Pkg (2022-ER-98W) Closed 1-5-24 

($26,300.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Well Installation & Abandonment Bid Pkg (2022-ER-88W) - Closed 1-5-24  

($24,310.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Well Installation & Abandonment Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-09W) - Closed 1-5-24  

($24,260.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Alternative Onsite Septic Installation Bid Pkg (2022-ER-02S) - Closed 12-1-23 

($39,710.00 awarded to Farmer's Septic Service, Inc.)

Survey Bid Pkg (2022-ER-60S) - Closed 10-20-23

($1,800 awarded to Michael A. Wind Land Surveying)

Well Installation & Abandonment Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-02W) - Closed 10-6-23

($19,480.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Well Installation & Abandonment Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-03W) - Closed 10-6-23

($18,960.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Well Installation & Abandonment Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-07W) - Closed 10-6-23

($20,480.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Well Installation & Abandonment Bid Pkg (2022-ER-90W) - Closed 10-6-23

($19,910.00 awarded to Chucky's Pump, Repair & Well Drilling LLC)

Conventional Onsite Septic with Pump Bid Pkg (2023-MPPDC-01S) - Closed 10-2-23 

($20,750.00 awarded to Farmer's Septic Service, Inc.)



Hole in the Wall Channel Dredging Project and Haven Beach Protection and Nourishment (Mathews County) IFB 

Public Bid Opening held October 12, 2023

Notice of Intent to Award to Seaward Marine Corp., January 19, 2024

Supporting Documents for Hole in the Wall Channel Dredging Project and Haven Beach Protection and Nourishment (Mathews County) IFB:

 Exhibit A: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion

Exhibit B: Monitoring Plan, Mathews County – Haven Beach Renourishment Project

Exhibit C: Department of Army Permit Number NAO-2021-01953 / VMRC # 21-V1533, August 3, 2022 (DOA Permit # NOA-2021-01953)

Exhibit D: Commonwealth of Virginia Marine Resources Commission Permit, VRMC #21-V1533, December 21, 2021 (VMRC Permit # 2021-1533)

Exhibit E: Memorandum of Understanding, Port of Virginia Waterway Maintenance Fund Grant Program September 20, 2021



MPPDC West Point Airport RFP

The Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission (MPPDC) is suspending the RFP for consultant services for the West Point Airport Industrial Site Planning. MPPDC received information about the availability of materials from the previous owner related to the deliverables in the RFP scope of work. MPPDC plans to modify the scope of work, based upon a review of this material, and reissue the RFP. As a result, the date for submission for proposals will also be adjusted to allow for proper preparation of a proposal.

 Seeking consultants to conduct a series of due diligence professional services to determine the suitability of Town-owned property immediately south of the Middle Peninsula Regional Airport for business and industrial use. Specific questions related to this offering should be emailed to: Neal Barber, Project Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



USDOT RAISE: Designing Multimodal Working Waterfronts to Meet the 21st Century Needs of Rural Coastal Seafood and Maritime Industries RFP  Closed July 6, 2023

#RFP-FY23-RAISE Addendum No. 1

Notice of Intent to Award to Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., October 3, 2023

Supporting Documents for USDOT RAISE: Designing Multimodal Working Waterfronts
to Meet
the 21st Century Needs of Rural Coastal Seafood and Maritime Industries RFP

 Exhibit A: MPPDC USDOT RAISE Proposal Summary, 2021

Exhibit B: Middle Peninsula Public Working Waterfront Site Information (Maps, Tables, & Site Profiles), 2021

Note: The sites listed here should be considered preliminary and the final site list utilized will be contingent upon the direction of the project stakeholder advisory group. Exhibit B is provided to give Offerors an enhanced understanding of the types of facilities, conditions, and locations to be targeted during the project.



Hole in the Wall Channel Dredging Project and Beneficial Use Placement at Haven Beach RFP Closed April 14, 2023

Following competitive negotiations, Mathews County has withdrawn the solicitation for Phase I and II without making an award.

RFP-FY23-HITW Addendum No. 1

Supporting Documents for Hole in the Wall Channel Dredging Project and Beneficial Use Placement at Haven Beach RFP:

 Exhibit A: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion

Exhibit B: Monitoring Plan, Mathews County – Haven Beach Renourishment Project

Exhibit C: Department of Army Permit Number NAO-2021-01953 / VMRC # 21-V1533, August 3, 2022 (DOA Permit # NOA-2021-01953)

Exhibit D: Commonwealth of Virginia Marine Resources Commission Permit, VRMC #21-V1533, December 21, 2021 (VMRC Permit # 2021-1533)

Exhibit E: Memorandum of Understanding, Port of Virginia Waterway Maintenance Fund Grant Program September 20, 2021



Monitoring and reporting pursuant to Biological Opinion for Hole in the Wall Channel Dredging Project at Haven Beach IFB Closed April 14, 2023

Notice of Intent to Award to Biogenic Solutions Consulting LLC, January 19, 2024

  Supporting Documents for Monitoring and reporting pursuant to Biological Opinion for Hole in the Wall Channel Dredging Project at Haven Beach IFB:

 Exhibit A: Commonwealth of Virginia Marine Resources Commission Permit, VRMC #21-V1533, December 21, 2021 (VMRC Permit # 2021-1533)

Exhibit B: Department of Army Permit Number NAO-2021-01953 / VMRC # 21-V1533, August 3, 2022 (DOA Permit # NOA-2021-01953)

 Exhibit C: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion

 Exhibit D: Monitoring Plan, Mathews County – Haven Beach Renourishment Project



 MPPDC Hog Island Living Shoreline Solicitation RFP - Repost  

Notice of Intent to Award to Biogenic Solutions Consulting LLC, March 31, 2023

  Supporting Documents for Hog Island Living Shoreline Solicitation RFP

        3D Printed 10_2_22_VMRC


         DRAFT SCOPE

         MPPDC Full Proposal 76171


          NOAA_NFWF Budget


         Permit Drawings

         Permit Drawings VMRC

         Placard 20221524

        VMRC Permit_20221524



MPPDC Carlton Road Boat Ramp RFP - CLOSED January 25, 2023

NFWF_VMRC_22_0072_Case - Awarded June 2022