Dragon Run Steering Committee By-Laws
BY-LAWS OF THE ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization is the Dragon Run Steering Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee." The Committee is established as an advisory committee to the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission. ARTICLE II Purpose The purpose of the Committee shall be to promote the orderly and efficient planning and management of the environmental, social, and economic resources within the Dragon Run Watershed. ARTICLE III Membership Section 1. Committee members shall be appointed by the respective governing bodies of those political subdivisions containing portions of the Dragon Run Watershed. Section 2. Governmental subdivisions which contain portions of the Dragon Run Watershed shall be asked to appoint members to the Committee on the following basis: Classification 1 Board of Supervisors member 1 Planning Commission member 2 Citizen members which have land Section 3. The appointed members shall serve two-year terms, or until their successors are appointed, and shall be eligible for reappointment annually. Section 4. Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment was made. ARTICLE IV Officers Section 1. Officers of the Committee shall consist of a Chairman and Vice-Chairman who shall be elected by the membership of the Committee. Section 2. Committee officers shall be elected for terms of two years or until their successors are elected and shall be eligible for reelection. Section 3. Officers may be reelected to office. Section 4. Elections of officers shall be held biannually at the meeting of the Committee each odd-numbered year. Offices will be assumed following the election. If for any reason any office becomes vacant during the year, an election to fill the office shall be held at the next regular meeting of the Committee. The new officer, so elected, shall then complete the unexpired term of the officer he succeeded. An officer filling an unexpired term may succeed himself. Section 5. Notice of an officer election shall be provided to all members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the election. Section 6. A majority vote of the present and voting Committee shall be required for election to any office. Section 7. Powers and duties of the officers: (a) Chairman: In addition to the well-recognized and inherent duties and powers of the office of chairman, the chairman shall sign all acts or orders necessary to carry out the will of the Committee. He shall preside over all meetings of the Committee. He shall be eligible to vote on all issues regardless of a tie vote. He is authorized to appoint standing and special committees and to appoint substitutes to serve on standing and special committees when any member of a committee is temporarily unable to serve. (b) Vice-Chairman: In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall be the acting chairman. (If no officer of the Committee is present, a temporary chairman shall be elected.) The vice-chairman, or acting chairman, shall be vested with authority to perform, in the absence of the chairman, including those vested or delegated to the chairman in the By-laws and by any other action of the Committee. ARTICLE V Meetings Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the chairman. Section 2. Meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. The Committee may hold executive sessions as provided by law. Section 3. Members representing three (3) or more counties within the Dragon Run Watershed, or five (5) or more members, shall be required in order to constitute a quorum. Section 4. Committee meeting business and actions, except as described in Section 5 below or Article VI below, shall require a consensus or majority vote of all members present. Section 5. In adopting any plan or approving a proposal, action shall be taken by a majority vote of the full Committee. Such plan or proposal shall be provided to the Committee in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at which the vote will take place. Section 6. Members not able to attend a meeting at which voting on written plans or proposals will occur may vote by letter ballot, sealed within a delivery envelope and delivered to the chairman, vice-chairman, or MPPDC staff by the meeting date. Section 7. In addition to all public hearings required by law, the Committee may hold public hearings when it decides that a hearing will be in the public interest. Section 8. Notice of all meetings shall be provided at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting. ARTICLE VI Amendment of By-Laws Section 1. Any proposed amendment to these By-laws shall be presented in writing to the members of the Committee at a regular Committee meeting. The amendment shall be tabled until the next regular Committee meeting at which a quorum is present, at which time action may be taken on the amendment. Adoption of the proposed amendment shall require a majority vote of the full Committee. Section 2. Notice of a vote on any proposed By-laws changes will be provided at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at which the vote will take place. Section 3. Members not able to attend a meeting at which voting on amendments will occur may vote by letter ballot, sealed within a delivery envelope and delivered to the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, or MPPDC staff by the meeting date. ARTICLE VII Staff The Dragon Run Steering Committee may receive staff support from the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission. Technical Advisors Staff or members may ask representatives of agencies or organizations having a technical expertise or interest in the Dragon Run Watershed to advise the Committee on matters concerning the Dragon Run. ARTICLE VIII Parliamentary Procedure In all matters of parliamentary procedure not specifically covered by these By-laws, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern. ARTICLE IX Effective Date These By-laws shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Committee. Bylaws Revised 8/10/05 |