Middle Peninsula Disability Services Board Support


VA Code 51.5-47 establishing Disability Services Boards has been repealed effective 7/1/2011 therefore the Middle Peninsula Disability Services Board will no longer be in service after 6/30/2011. Click here for assistance. 

The MPDSB is a partnership of consumer, local government, and business working to increase access and develop consumer-oriented, community-based services for persons with physical and sensory disabilities.

In 1992, The General Assembly legislated the development of the Disability Services Boards (DSB) to assist localities in identifying and addressing the needs of persons with physical and sensory disabilities in their communities. The law states that every county and city shall establish either singly or in combination with another political subdivision, a local Disability Services Board.

The Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission (MPPDC) coordinated the creation of the Middle Peninsula DSB in 1993. The MPPDC currently provides the MPDSB with staff support using state funding.

The duties of the Middle Peninsula Disability Services Board are as follows:

  • Develop and make available for public comment an assessment of local needs and priorities of people with physical and sensory disabilities, updated every three years.
  • Provide information and resources referral to local governments regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Administer the Rehabilitative Services Incentive Fund and serve as a catalyst for the development of public and private funding sources.
  • Exchange information with other local boards regarding services to persons with physical and sensory disabilities and best practices in the delivery of services.
  • Provide such other assistance and advice to local governments as may be requested.

The MPDSB meets quarterly on the third Monday of the month in the Middle Peninsula PDC Board Room (unless otherwise noted) at 1:00 PM.

MPPDC staff will utilize the Priority Conservation Area maps created during the first year of this program and overlay these maps with private easements and zoning classifications for conservation purposes. MPPDC staff will also utilize the qualitative and quantitative information from year 1 to host stakeholder meetings to discuss how localities may approach off-setting this loss of revenue and how current public policy is impacting locality tax revenues.

Year 1 Report - Conservation Easements: Fiscal Impacts to Localities in the Middle Peninsula

Year 2 Report - Middle Peninsula Conservation Corridor Plan

Guidance - Conservation Easement Guidance Document

MPPDC staff will continue educational outreach to the general public and to elected officials about climate change and sea level rise. To encourage Middle Peninsula member localities to consider the development of public policy to respond to climate change and sea level rise impacts, MPPDC staff will also create a “START” (Start Adaptation and Response Today) kit which will comprehensively assemble, present, and customize relevant (1) local scientific data, (2) Kaiser- Permanente Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Tool results for the Middle Peninsula, (3) local, state, national and international case studies as well as (4) sample ordinances from communities (nationwide and internationally) that have adopted adaption policies.


Phase 3 -“Start Kit”

Assessing the economic and ecological impacts of sea level rise for select vulnerable locations within the Middle Peninsula

Sea Level Rise: Local Fact Sheet for the Middle Peninsula

Phase 1 - Middle Peninsula Climate Change Adaptation:
An assessment of potential Anthropogenic and Ecological Impacts of Climate Change on the Middle Peninsula

Phase 2 - Middle Peninsula Climate Change Adaptation:
Facilitation of Presentations and Discussions of Climate Change Issues with Local Elected Officials and the General Public

Phase 3 - Initiating Adaptation Public Policy Development

Understanding Local Vulnerability

York River Use Conflict Committee Report and Recommendations

A dialog on public policy alternatives for managing use conflict.

The York River Use Conflict Committee was established to explore the public policy questions facing many rural coastal local governments: “to what extent will future development of coastal communities rely on the opportunities presented by a coastal environment and what public policies will govern such opportunities?”

York River Use Conflict Report

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


On October 6, 2009 Governor Timothy Kaine announced that $9.7 million in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) would be distributed on a competitive basis to small local governments. Virginia’s 21 Planning District Commissions administered the program and assisted localities in the development of proposals which were ranked and awarded by the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME). The program emphasizes a community-based approach to help meet energy and climate protection goals. MPPDC was awarded a contract to provide weatherization renovations to 12 homeowners ineligible for LMI weatherization programs in each of the 6 counties.MPPDC subcontracted the promotion and construction portions of this project to Bay Aging but was tasked with administering the overall project.  Project Closed

Section 44 Code of Federal Regulation Part 201 requires that local jurisdictions develop and adopt hazard mitigation plans to remain consistent with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.

Helping Entrepreneurs Help Themselves


Effective 11/30/11 MPBDP, Inc. was dissolved.

MPPDC provided staff support to the Middle Peninsula Business Development Partnership (MPBDP), a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2000 to assist aspiring entrepreneurs start or expand very small businesses (micro-enterprises) with special emphasis on low-to-moderate income people, minorities, women and youth.MPBDP was a mission-based organization whose goal was to help foster compatible economic growth in the Middle Peninsula and surrounding area by providing business support to potential and existing micro-entrepreneurs (businesses of 5 people or fewer).


9 VAC 25-780 establishes a planning process and criteria that all local governments will use in the development of local or regional water plans. The plan will be reviewed by the Department of Environmental Quality and a determination will be made by the State Water Control Board on whether the plan complies with this regulation. Within five years of a compliance determination by the board, the plan will be reviewed to assess adequacy and any significant changes will require the submission of an amended plan and review by the board. All local programs will be reviewed, revised, and resubmitted to the Department of Environmental Quality every 10 years after the last approval.

Middle Peninsula Water Supply Plan Final Report

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