Middle Peninsula
Virtual Heritage Tour
Delaware Town
(West Point)
The New Towns Acts specified
the location of Delaware Town at the confluence of the Mattaponi and Pamunkey
Rivers in what was then King and Queen County (now King William County).
The original property was purchased from John West. The Town concisted
of two parallel streets with a single cross street running to the wharf
on the Mattaponi River.
Delaware Town like its counterpoint
down the York River, Tyndall's Point, failed to prosper. This was most
likely the result of the success of Yorktown which was in close proximity.
Most of the original site reverted to plantation use.
The Town of West Point occupies
the location of Delaware Town. Railroad service was brought to the area
in 1859 and a drawbridge across the Pamunkey River in 1860. Both were
destroyed by Union forces during the Civil War. Geographically the largest
of the Middle Peninsula towns, West Point is, according to the 2000 Census,
home to 2,866 residents. The town has a plant which is a major employer
in the region and continues to thrive as a commercial center.
Plan of Delaware
Town, 1706
1. Click to view clip showing commercial area in West Point (2.7MB).
2. Click to view clip showing West Point from across the Mattaponi River
at the Lord Delaware Bridge (2.2 MB).
Area of Plan in
West Point Today. Click on any symbol to view clip.