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Middle Peninsula Historic Marker Tour

Gloucester County Markers

Listed Below are links to markers in Gloucester County. Press on number on map or link to view marker.

Gloucester County Markers Main Map

1. Gloucester County/Middlesex County

2. Gloucester County/King and Queen County

3. Gloucester County/King and Queen County

4. Gloucester County/Mathews County

5. Gloucester County/Mathews County

6. Poplar Spring Church

7. Marlfield

8. Bethel Baptist Church

9. Gloucester Agricultural and Industrial School

10. Cappahosic

11. Tarleton's Last Fight

12. Early Land Patent

13. Gloucester Point

Gloucester County Markers (Inset Map)

14. Gloucester Courthouse

15. Cappahosic

16. Zion Poplars Baptist Church

17. Thomas Calhoun Walker

18. To Gwynn's Island

19. Ware Church

20. Zion Poplars Baptist Church

21. Gloucester Training School

22. Governor John Page

23. United Negro College Fund

24. Robert Russa Moton

25. Rosewell

26. Dr. Walter Reed's Birthplace

27. Rosewell and Werowocomoco

28. Fairfield

29. Warner Hall

30. Abingdon Church

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Link to Main Map of Gloucester Historic Markers

Link to Gloucester County Web Site

Updated March 2005