TO: Dragon Run Steering Committee
FROM: Jim Uzel, Director of Regional Planning
DATE: November 13, 1997
SUBJECT: Meeting Notes from November 12, 1997
The Dragon Run Steering Committee met
on Wednesday, November 12, 1997, 7:30 P.M. at the
MPPDC offices. In attendance were: Dorothy Miller
and Prue Davis, representing Essex County; Robert
Major, representing Middlesex County; Ed Hall, Jean
Barrow, and Russell Williams, representing King and
Queen County; Teta Kain, guest from Friend of Dragon
Run; Tom Smith, guest from Department of Conservation
and Recreation - Division of Natural Heritage; and
Jim Uzel, MPPDC.
Teta Kain presented a slide show and
discussion of her 5 years of inventories of plant
and wildlife on and around Big Island, in the Dragon
Run. Her quality photography and knowledgeable commentary
provided the Committee with a good sense of the diversity
and importance of habitat in the Dragon Run.
Tom Smith presented a slide show and
description of the Natural Heritage Program in Virginia.
The Program surveys and identifies threatened and
endangered species in the state, as well as significant
habitat areas. Through voluntary landowner stewardship,
conservation easements, and land purchases, the Department
manages significant natural habitat areas in Virginia.
Tom estimated that only about 8-9 person-days have
been spent by the Division on Dragon Run surveys.
The Steering Committee expressed interest in exploring
the means to fund a more comprehensive regional natural
heritage survey of the Dragon Run.
Jim Uzel asked the Steering Committee
to confirm their direction in developing an issue
paper on water impoundment and withdrawal from the
Dragon Run, stressing that the planning document would
follow the format of the Dragon Run Watershed Management
Plan, with issues discussion, policy
options, and policy preferences. The Steering Committee
affirmed their desire to have the issue addressed
in order to preserve the habitat and character of
the Dragon Run.
The Dragon Run Steering Committee adopted
a Resolution of Memorial to Jimmy Morgan, a Steering
Committee member who passed away on October 16, 1997.
The Next meeting of the Committee will
be February 11, 1998.
TO: Dragon Run Steering Committee
FROM: Jim Uzel, Director of Regional Planning
DATE: September 2, 1997
SUBJECT: August Meeting Notes
The Dragon Run Steering Committee met
on Wednesday, August 13, 1997 at the MPPDC offices.
In attendance were Robert Major, Middlesex; Russell
and Rachael Williams, King and Queen; Ed Hall, King
and Queen; Dorothy Miller, Essex; Prue Davis, Essex;
Betty DeHardit, Gloucester; Tom Cramer, Friends of
the Dragon Run; and Jim Uzel, MPPDC.
The DRSC meeting focused on a hypothetical
reservoir located in the Dragon Run. The purpose of
reviewing the hypothetical scenario was to look at
the issues surrounding the utilization of the Dragon
Run as a fresh water drinking source. The Steering
Committee is not advocating such a scenario, however,
it recognized that outside localities may wish to
explore the use of the Dragon as a water source, and
the Committee wished to assemble information to discourage
such a move.
The MPPDC produced a graphical image
of a hypothetical reservoir utilizing the Geographic
Information System (GIS). In order to determine potential
impacts, the graph included two scenarios, one with
a pool level at 50 feet elevation and another at the
30 foot elevation. See map attached. After reviewing
the impacts, it seemed that the 30 foot scenario was
the more "practical" of the two. Part of
the analysis was to compare the hypothetical reservoir
with other proposed or built reservoirs in the area
(see attached sheet). These numbers are taken from
the Environmental Impact Statements of the Beaverdam
and Cohoke reservoirs. The Dragon numbers were estimated,
derived from the GIS, or from DEQ monitoring data.
The DRSC discussed the issues surrounding
both impoundment and withdrawal of water on the Dragon
Run. The major issues include wetlands
impact, multi-jurisdictional issues, citizen opposition,
the status of the Dragon Run, EPA evaluation, and
the formation of trihalomethanes.
The next meeting of the Dragon Run Steering
Committee will be Wednesday, November 12, 1997.
The DRSC decided that it would be prudent
to develop a new chapter to the Dragon Run Watershed
Management Plan to address the water reservoir/withdrawal
issues. Jim Uzel will explore the chapter development.
TO: Dragon Run Steering Committee
FROM: Jim Uzel, Director of Regional Planning
DATE: May 23, 1997
SUBJECT: Meeting Notes - May 14, 1997 DRSC
The Dragon Run Steering Committee held its quarterly
meeting on May 14, 1997, present were, from Middlesex:
Jack Miller, Robert Major, and Cathy Wilson; from
Essex: Dorothy Miller, Prue Davis, and Sherry Gross;
from King and Queen: Ed Hall; and from the MPPDC:
Jim Uzel.
The major agenda item for the meeting
was a review of the 1997 General Assembly Legislation.
New laws or amendments included changes to Silvicultural
Practices limiting the ability of local governments
in regulating silvicultural activities, The Water
Quality Improvement Act, and the Open Space Lands
Preservation Trust Fund. The amendments to the silvicultural
law prevents a locality from utilizing its zoning,
planning, or police powers from prohibiting or limiting,
or charging fees or requiring permits for forestry
operations when conducted in accordance with best
management practices. However a locality may require
a review to determine that a silvicultural activity
complies with local zoning requirements, including
BMPs. The amendment also does not effect the requirements
for forestry under the Chesapeake Bay Preservation
The Water Quality Improvement Act provides
for a funding source for 50% cost matching of projects
improving point and nonpoint pollution sources. For
the Chesapeake Bay drainage area of the state, the
fund will be utilized to implement the Tributary Strategies
for the reduction of nutrients. Therefore, in order
for localities and private individuals to be eligible,
a Tributary Plan must be completed for the basin concerned.
For FY98 the General Assembly appropriated $15 million
for this fund.
The Open Space Lands Preservation Trust Fund is established
through amendment of Chapter 338 of the Code. The
Trust Fund will be available for grants to persons
conveying conservation easements under the Open Space
Land Act and the Conservation Easement Act. The grants
may be used for legal and appraisal costs or all or
part of the value of the easement. The fund will receive
monies through gifts or grants from private and public
sources. The general fund may fund part of the program.
Regional advisory boards will be formed to decide
on grants requests.
In other business, the DRSC discussed
the extension of the public comment period for the
King William Reservoir. The next meeting of the DRSC
will be Wednesday, August 13, 1997, and the topic
will be Water Supply Issues related to the Dragon
Run. Also we may have an update on the school age
educational programs sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay
TO: Dragon Run Steering Committee
FROM: Jim Uzel, Director of Region Planning
DATE: March 3, 1997
SUBJECT: February Meeting Notes
The Dragon Run Steering Committee met
on Wednesday, February 12, 1997 at the MPPDC offices
in Saluda. In attendance were Elizabeth DeHardit,
Gloucester; Jean Barrow and Ed Hall, King & Queen;
Robert Major, Middlesex; Sherry Gross, Dorothy Miller,
and Prue Davis, Essex; Jim Uzel, MPPDC; and Bill DeHardit,
The DRSC held elections of officers
for the two year term of 1997 - 1998. Dorothy Miller
of Essex County was elected Chair, and Ed Hall of
King and Queen County was elected Vice-Chair.
The DRSC discussed various watershed
management issues including the state Tributary Strategies
effort. The MPPDC has established a Nutrient Reduction
Task Force to address the Tributary Strategies issues
in the Middle Peninsula.
Prue Davis also serves on this Task Force. Ed Hall
expressed an interest in being kept informed of the
activities of the Task Force.
The 1997 Work Plan was discussed by
the DRSC. Suggestions for meeting topics included
water supply issues - the harmful potential of drinking
water impoundment or withdrawal from the Dragon ;
General Assembly legislative acts impacting management
of the Dragon ; Habitat restoration ; and Management
Plan review.
The next meeting of the Dragon Run Steering
Committee will be on Wednesday, May 14, 1997, 7:30
PM at the MPPDC offices in Saluda.