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Middle Peninsula Historic Marker Tour

Middle Peninsula People

Robert Russa Moton

The Middle Peninsula is rich in it's most important asset. . . it's people

Dr. Walter Reed

Local residents have play a significant role in the development of our Commonwealth and our Nation. They have also played important roles in religion, in advancements in the agricultural and medical fields, our Native American culture, and in the provision of opportunities for all.

Listed below are links to markers highlighting local individuals as part of their subject matter.

Essex County Markers
1. Fonthill

2.William Moore - Tidewater Musician New

3. Ritchie's Birthplace

4. Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Gloucester County Markers
5. Marlfield

6. Thomas Calhoun Walker

7. Robert Russa Moton

8. Governor John Page

9. Dr. Walter Reed's Birthplace

King and Queen County Markers
10. Clark Home

11. Mount Pleasant

12. Bruington Church

13. Newington

14. Colonial Church

15. Laneville

King and Queen (Continued)
16. Corbin's Church - The New Church

17. Indentured Servants Plot

King William County Markers
18. Headquarters of Opechancancough (New)

19. Montville

20. Pamunkey Indians

21. Cockacoeske
Newly Approved - Not Yet Installed

22. St. John's Church

23. Home of Signer

Mathews County Markers
24. John Clayton, Botanist

25. Captain Sally L.Tompkins, C.S.A.

26. Kingston Parish

Middlesex County Markers
27. Hewick

28. Christopher Robinson

29. Rosegill

30. Tomb of Puller

31. Lower Methodist Church

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Updated March 2006